EAST to welcome the Paralympic Flame 25 Aug 2012
Suffolk is no stranger to the Olympic Flame, having recently hosted it's transit from Lowestoft to Ipswich, where it arrived by boat in Ipswich Marina for the final part of it’s journey into Christchurch Park where it stayed for the night on it's way to the start of the games in London. That was back in July before the success of the GB team winning 29 Gold, 17 Silver and 19 Bronze medals.
The Four Flames of the Paralympic Torch Relay (from London, Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff) are under way, making their way across the country with individual celebrations undertaken by each of the local communities involved in their transition through to 28th August when the four Flames will be united at the Paralympic Flame Lighting Ceremony at Stoke Mandeville.
This Saturday we will be priveledged to receive the English Paralympic Flame making it's way up from Trafalgar Square London, winding through Suffolk on a route which includes a visit to the East Anglian Sailing Trust at Levington Marina, who are holding one of the six disability events to be visited by the flame across the county on the day.
EAST’s vice president and gold paralympian Kevin Curtis will be receiving the flame at the waterside centre, Levington. Join the Trust and guests to welcome the flame and find out more about EAST at the Trusts Open Day and Sailing Taster Sessions:
Saturday 25th August - 10am to 2pm
East Anglian Sailing Trust
Waterside Community Centre
Suffolk Yacht Harbour
Levington, IP10 0LN
About EAST:
The East Anglian Sailing Trust is a Sailability Centre of Excellence providing disabled East Anglians and their carers with regular opportunities to access and enjoy sailing activities whilst promoting enhanced independence, confidence and community involvement.
Reg. Charity 1060465
This news has come to you from the Boatshed Suffolk team, your local yacht broker managing all your brokerage the ground.